February 24th, 2024
Sunbury Hall, Delta
What if there was a day where you could intentionally PAUSE? A day for you to slow down, listen, and discover what lights your soul on fire. Welcome to the Soul Care Summit!
A space specifically designed for you to gain clarity on where your soul is asking you to show up in this season of your life. Experience different types of healing modalities and tools, all in one place, removing the guess work and empowering you on your journey back home to yourself.

The Wisdom of Your Breath
We'll embark on a one-hour meditative breathwork journey to explore how we can utilize the power of our breath to shift and release. In this sacred container, we gift ourselves the opportunity to move stuck energy, to process the ruptures that occur as part of being human, and to support our nervous system in a trauma-informed and healing way. This is an opportunity to return to our bodies, to the language that we all speak, across cities, countries, and the world: the language of our breath. This modality offers us a direct line to our nervous system, to healing our bodies, and repairing relationships with others - but most importantly, with ourselves.
You already have everything you need to create the emotional and mental shifts required to show up fully for your life - and it all lies in the power of your breath. More info on Abby - www.wellnesscreek.ca

Finding Your Authentic Voice
Where does your voice live? Is it your inner voice, your intuition? Is it your spoken voice? Is it the fire in your belly, or does it get stuck in your throat? How does it represent YOU out there in the world, and what is it telling you, inside your body? We are going to come together to individually explore all the things that make up our voices – the things that block and release our voices – so that we can each get down to our own, unique, authentic voice. The voice that empowers us. The voice that speaks our truth, quietly or LOUDLY. No one can tell you what your voice should be. But we can discover that together. And have some fun doing it! More info on Sara - www.sararamsay.com

Modern Spirituality
Uncover ways to ignite purpose in your life and learn how to practice simple awareness techniques to allow you to feel present and connected to the world around you. Be inspired to create your own simple and attainable spiritual practices to amplify your everyday and strengthen your connection within. More info on Amy - www.themodernmedium.ca
Reconnecting with your Body through Movement
Together we will leap into an hour of joy, laughter, and movement. As a community we will step outside our comfort zone and move our bodies in a way that feels uncomfortably comfortable. This is more than a dance class, this is a safe, judgment free space to connect with our higher self. In this session we will get out of our heads and into our bodies while we learn a simple dance combo, and you play with your own interpretation of it.There is no wrong way to move, and no wrong answers. I encourage you to let your hair down, take your shoes off and live your best life on the dance floor with me. Get loud! Cheer for the women in front of you but most importantly celebrate yourself! Empowerment is a vibe, hunny. More info on Tash - @tryst_dance_collective_ on Instagram

Self Love as an Action
We all understand the importance of loving ourselves but what does that actually look like? Every one of us has different needs and each phase of our lives requires a different type of love and attention. Join Andrea as she leads you through different self love practices encouraging you to get curious about what your spirit considers quality connection. Discover what love language resonates with you and after a full day of play, build out your own personalized Soul Care plan so you leave not only feeling empowered but inspired to take action and with a strong sense of clarity on the direction your soul requires. More info on Andrea - www.theunconditionalmovement.ca

Event Emcee
Speaker, Author and Creator and founder of BELL'S PALSY TALK, an online community where she encourages her followers to use their voice and step into their light because they MATTER. More info on Barbie - www.barbiewharton.com
Registration, Morning Mingler, Light Snacks, Vendor Tables are Open
9:15am - Diana Battung @dianabcollective
Morning Movement
Welcome Introduction
Sara Jones @wildnfreewellness
Land Acknowledgment and Drum Ceremony
10:30am - Abby Hildebrand @wellnesscreek
Breathwork, Connection and Intention for the day
11:30am - Sara Ramsay @sararamsay
Finding your Authentic Voice
Lunch and Shopping
1:30pm - Amy Beavington @themodernmedium
Modern Spirituality
2:30pm - Tash Mow @tryst_dance_collective_
Reconnecting with your Body Through Movement
30 Minute Break
4:00pm - Andrea Gibson @theunconditionalmovement
Self love as an Action
5:00pm - Q and A with Speakers
Lead by Barbie Wharton @bellspalsytalk
5:30pm - Mingle and Goodbyes
*Schedule and workshop leaders subject to change without notice. Should a leader become unavailable, a suitable and qualified replacement will be found.

light snacks and coffee/tea throughout the day.
Taco bar for lunch with a GF and Vegan option.
FREE oracle and tarot card readings on the breaks provided by
Jackie Kawaauhau @jackiekawaauhau
Aimee Miedema @the_tipsytarot
FREE empowerment headshots throughout the day provided by
Miss Venessa @evolvebeauty
Please wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.
You are welcome to bring a yoga mat for the breath work portion.

Interested in being a Vendor?
We are offering only 8 tables for Vendors who fit our vision.
Contact us for more info Xo